Moosa Manik, popularly known by his alias Reeko Moosa, is a prominent politician and businessman in the Republic of Maldives. He is the former Chairperson of Maldivian Democratic Party. Manik is currently the Parliament Member representing Hulhu Henveiru Constituency of Male' of the Capital City
Raako Manik and his family owns Heavy Load Private Limited, a company based in the Republic of Maldives primarily involved in island reclamation and harbor development works. The government of Maldives have awarded numerous projects to Manik without a bidding process. Such projects included Thilafushi Corporation Limited (TCL) awarding a US$21 million (Rf269.8 million) reclamation project to Heavy Load on September 30, 2010 to reclaim 130 hectares from Thilafushi lagoon and Emboodhoo reclamation projects.This Project was awarded to him as a favour to his anti Maumoonism Philosophy. Heavy Load claimed that Thilafushi reclamation project was won by competitively bidding with the Netherlands' Boskalis International and Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) Yet, both the MTCC and Netherlands' Boskalis International denied claims by Thilafushi Corporation Limited (TCL) and Heavy Load that both the companies submitted proposals for the Thilafushi reclamation project. This resulted in the Maldivian Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) ordering TCL to halt the project being carried out by Heavy Load Maldives, to reclaim 130 hectares from Thilafushi lagoon and to re-invite bids due to lack of a fair and equitable bidding process. Yet the reclamation is ongoing despite ACC request to halt the process. Further, the Maldives Environment Protection Agency slammed Heavy Load Maldives for starting to reclaim Thilafushi lagoon on February 4, 2011, without the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) license. This has also been ignored by Heavy Load.
The Maldivian government has a close relationship with the MDP acting chairperson Moosa as evidenced through the Ministry issuing a US$16.7 million comofort letter to Heavy Load, TCL providing a Rf5 million guarantee to Heavy Load Maldives to secure fuel through Fuel Supplies Maldives for the reclamation of Thilafushi lagoon, and Laamu Atoll Kaadehdhoo Airport guesthouse being leased to Moosa.
With intentions to compete in the upcoming presidential elections in 2013, Moosa launched a campaign in August 2011 which was boycotted by MDP members. Since beginning of his political career, Manik has appeared in the front line representing Maldivian Democratic Party led by the former President Mohamed Nasheed. Manik played an instrumental role in Nasheed's presidential campaign that went on to win the seat of government after 30 years of autocratic rule by Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom aka. Golhaabo. Raako Moosa is silent since no Political Party is interested in him proud autocracy.