A number of characters recurred on Sliders, the science fiction show. The show involved a concept of doubles—alternate versions of a person on alternate Earths. Thus, a number of recurring characters on Sliders were doubles of each other. There were some recurring characters, however, who were other sliders.
Amanda Mallory is the mother of Quinn Mallory, first seen in the pilot, played by Linda Henning in six episodes and Deanne Henry in two episodes (Henry played the character in season 2; Henning played the character in all other seasons). She is the family member Quinn wishes to be reunited with upon returning to Earth Prime. Her birthday is September 27, the same day the sliders started their journey.
The first time Quinn was reunited with Amanda Mallory was at the end of "The Exodus, Part One". He was with her for 30 minutes. As soon as they were reunited, they had to take Maggie to the hospital, where Quinn and Maggie both slid. Quinn left saying that he promised his mother he would be back.
Quinn ended up being reunited again with her in the episode "Genesis" in a Kromagg prison on Earth Prime. When Quinn met his mother, he said that he did promise he would be back, but it ended up taking him longer than expected. Knowing that Kromaggs play tricks on the human mind, Quinn speculated that this was not actually his mother. While here, Mrs. Mallory told Quinn that she was not actually his birthmother, that Quinn's birthparents were the doubles of herself and her husband, Michael Mallory. She said that Quinn's actual birthparents left him with her because there was a war with the Kromaggs on that Earth, and they wanted Quinn to be safe. She then said that two years later, Quinn's birthparents came back for him but that she and Mike Mallory hid Quinn because they had become too attached to him. Amanda Mallory then gave Quinn a microdot that was implanted in her arm. Quinn was to hold the microdot to his forehead and would then be told about the story of his origins. After this conversation, Amanda Mallory was taken from the Kromaggs to an alternate Earth.
In the episode "The Seer", Mrs. Mallory was reunited with the sliders (who at the time were Rembrandt Brown, Maggie Beckett, Diana Davis, and a fraternal alternate of Quinn Mallory known as Mallory) and at this point in time had escaped from the Kromaggs at some point in the past because the Seer World was where she was transported to by the Kromaggs and had become free due to a biological weapon. Since there was a psychic on that world who was tracking the sliders' journeys, Amanda Mallory was able to learn about her son's fate; that Quinn had been merged into his fraternal alternate. Amanda Mallory now had post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of seeing her son's fate. When the Sliders timer was destroyed, she led them to Kromagg technology hoarded by Claire, the Seer's daughter and took care of the Seer after he had a heart attack. When the Sliders tried to ask the Seer if Rembrant had survived the slide to Earth Prime, she revealed that he had died.