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Rann (fictional planet)
Race(s) Rannians
Notable characters Adam Strange
Alanna Strange
Red Tornado
Vath Sarn
First appearance Showcase #17 (Nov-Dec, 1958)
Publisher DC Comics

Rann is a fictional planet in the Polaris star system (formerly the Alpha Centauri System) of the DC Comics Universe whose capital city is Ranagar. Rann is most famous for being the adopted planet of the Earth explorer and hero Adam Strange and for their teleportation device called the Zeta Beam. The planet Rann, along with her famous non-native son, first appeared in Showcase #17 (November–December 1958).

Natives of Rann, known as Rannians, are for all intents and purposes the same as Earth-based humans. However, years of reclusive living and apathy brought on by reliance upon their technologically advanced machinery resulted in a society which had stagnated. While entirely apt to continue for some time, Rannians found their gene pool to have deteriorated, resulting in a sterile culture. For decades, no children were born, until Adam Strange fathered a child with Alanna, daughter of Sardath, the man who invented the Zeta Beam. Their daughter, Aleea, remained on Rann with her mother.

Along with the humanoid Rannians, a sentient tornado also lived on Rann. First appearing in Mystery in Space #61, the tornado was a malicious entity named Ulthoon, the Tornado Tyrant of Rann. He was defeated after challenging Adam Strange while Strange was on Rann. After having lost to Strange, he contemplated the nature of good and evil, and decided that good was superior to evil. Following this, he split into two entities. One, a benevolent being, called himself the Tornado Champion. The other, a malicious entity, called himself the Tornado Tyrant. Both would encounter the Justice League of America and the Justice Society of America before being merged into the android shell of the second Red Tornado.

Rann's prehistoric creatures, seen during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, are large, dinosaur-like creatures, albeit more exotic than the normal Earth varieties (such as four-eyed creatures).

