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Ranked Pairs

Ranked pairs (RP) or the Tideman method is an electoral system developed in 1987 by Nicolaus Tideman that selects a single winner using votes that express preferences. RP can also be used to create a sorted list of winners.

If there is a candidate who is preferred over the other candidates, when compared in turn with each of the others, RP guarantees that candidate will win. Because of this property, RP is, by definition, a Condorcet method.

The RP procedure is as follows:

RP can also be used to create a sorted list of preferred candidates. To create a sorted list, repeatedly use RP to select a winner, remove that winner from the list of candidates, and repeat (to find the next runner up, and so forth).

To tally the votes, consider each voter's preferences. For example, if a voter states "A > B > C" (A is better than B, and B is better than C), the tally should add one for A in A vs. B, one for A in A vs. C, and one for B in B vs. C. Voters may also express indifference (e.g., A = B), and unstated candidates are assumed to be equally worse than the stated candidates.

Once tallied the majorities can be determined. If "Vxy" is the number of Votes that rank x over y, then "x" wins if Vxy > Vyx, and "y" wins if Vyx > Vxy.

The pairs of winners, called the "majorities", are then sorted from the largest majority to the smallest majority. A majority for x over y precedes a majority for z over w if and only if one of the following conditions holds:

The next step is to examine each pair in turn to determine the pairs to "lock in". This can be visualized by drawing an arrow from the pair's winner to the pair's loser in a directed graph. Using the sorted list above, lock in each pair in turn unless the pair will create a circularity in the graph (for example, where A is more than B, B is more than C, but C is more than A).

This step can be somewhat more complicated if there are equal-weighted pairs which create a cycle: A naïve approach will result in the outcome depending on the (unspecified) method of resolving ties in the sort order. One way to resolve this issue is to allow cycles if they are needed to resolve ties (i.e., if a single new edge would not create a cycle, but multiple tied edges would), and then define the winners as the resulting Schwartz set.

In the resulting graph, the source corresponds to the winner. A source is bound to exist because the graph is a directed acyclic graph by construction, and such graphs always have sources. In the absence of pairwise ties, the source is also unique (because whenever two nodes appear as sources, there would be no valid reason not to connect them, leaving only one of them as a source).

