Ramakrishna is a family drama in Tamil directed by Agathyan produced by Sivasakthi Pandian. The film stars Jai Akash, Sridevika, along with Vijay Kumar, Vani and others. Deva scored the soundtrack and background music. The cinematography is by Rajesh Yadav.
Jai Akash is Indian born London resident, and a millionaire in the city. After a long tour around the world, he comes back to his homeland, India.
On his return he finds his mother Charanya feeling sad upon something, and finds out she miss her relationship with her long lost family members, although they have lots and lots of money. At that point Jai akash does not feel anything for relationship, as he is wealthy and he has his mother by his side for uninterrupted love.
Suddenly, Charanya gets ill and dies. Jai Akash who has seen nothing except for his mother’s love and money, feels for some one to care about him for the first time. He goes in search of his long lost relatives in a village, mentioned by his mother earlier.
He wants to feel true love, so he disguises himself as a poor man and joins as a servant in Vijayaumar’s house, who is the Village's head. Later he finds out that Vijaykumar is his father, and feels happy about it. Vijay kumar too feels happy for getting his son back. While he was planning to tell the village folks that Jai Akash is his son, he dies in a heart attack.
Now, Jai Akash is left without support for the second time in his life. The remaining part of the story narrates whether Vijaykumar’s other family members accepted Jai Akash as one of their inmates or not. The story also involves the sudden love affair between Jai Akash and the girl next door, Sridevika.
This movie unlike the rest, highlight the importance of relationship between each other and upholds the truth that love is more powerful than money, and prestige.
Highlight of the movie is comedian Muthukalai, who comes close in competition with Vadivelu. Stunt master Jaguar Thangam double up as a Villain in this film.
Overall, the film has a strong story line, screenplay and some double meaning dialogues for some added entertainment, in a typical Agathian style, who is the director of this movie.
The soundtracks and background score are composed by Deva. The voices to the songs are given by Deva, Sadhana Sargam, Paravai, Karthik, Udit Narayan.