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Ram Air Progression System

RAPS or Ram Air Progression System is a parachuting training system designed to take a student from beginner to the FAI A License (or Category 8) using square ram air canopies.

The RAPS system was developed from the Static Line Rounds system. It enabled a student to make their first jumps on a ram-air parachute, which offers softer landings and more control. RAPS evolved into the category system, which allows students to use ram-air canopies from their first jump. In the early jumps the parachute is deployed automatically using a static line; after proving basic proficiency the student progresses onto freefall, opening their own parachute by means of a ripcord and spring-loaded pilot chute. The static line method is used in many countries, and although it varies it is, in general, based upon the following structure.

