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Rakovica monastery

Rakovica monastery
Monastery information
Full name Манастир Раковица
Order Serbian Orthodox
Established 14th century
Dedicated to Archangels Michael and Gabriel
Diocese Archbishopric of Belgrade and Karlovci
Location Between Resnik and Rakovica
Public access Yes

Rakovica monastery is the monastery of the Serbian Orthodox Church, within the Belgrade-Karlovac Archbishopric, located in Belgrade suburb of Rakovica. It is dedicated to the archangels Мihailo and Gavrilo.

Although the origin of the monastery, according to the folk tradition, is associated with the epoch of Serbian kings Dragutin and Мilutin, the contemporary documents question that. The earliest written mention of the monastery was found in the travel accounts of Feliks Petančić from 1502, under the title of "Ranauicence monasterium" and later on it is also mentioned in the Turkish sources, in the register from 1560, among other churches and monasteries around Belgrade. On the website of the Orthodox magazine "Orthodoxy" you can read that this monastery was also mentioned in the charter of the Vlach Duke Konstantin Brankovean Besaraba, from 1701, which says that the monastery was erected and built from the scratch by a good Christian, the late Radula duke, who was the lord of this country (Wallachia). It is assumed that it was the Vlach duke Radulo I Crni, knez Lazar's son-in-law. During the 16th century the monastery was moved from the location around the village of Rakovica, where the remains of the old building (the traces of the walls, the column of the honourable table...) were found, to its present site. In 2007 at the old building location, the archaeological researches were done, and then again from 16 July till 16 August 2008, with the aim of confirming the assumption that the building in question is actually the old monastery building. The report states that the required results "were missing", and that the "existence of medieval necropolis in this area, as well as the remains of the honourable table...indicate the existence of the sacral object in that area, although its material remains have not been asserted so far." Being of the unfavourable position, in the vicinity of the major crossroad and the settlement, the monastery was destroyed during the Turkish invasion of Vienna 1592 and the national riots in 1594. Due to constant robbing, the monastery gradually moved to its present location, deeper into the forest. Once again, the monastery was destroyed during the Аustro-Turkish war (1737–1739), аnd again in 1788–1790. Due to cooperation of the abbots and Аustrians, аnd against the Тurks, the monastery was burnt in retaliation, and the abbot of the monastery of that time Sofronije was hanged to the elm tree in front of the monastery. During the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, this monastery, that is, its front wall was damaged again. Таdej Štrubulović was sent to the school of iconography in the monastery right after he became a monk. He was ordained into the rank of hieromonk on 3 February 1938 in the monastery.

