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Raighu was the most prolific and the last of the great Apabhramsha poets. He also supervised the pratishtha consecration ceremony of many—perhaps most—of the Jain idols carved on the hill side in the Gwalior Fort during the rule of Tomar Dungarsingh.

He wrote many books during sam. 1440-1530 (1383–1468), and is mentioned as the supervising scholar in several inscriptions in the Gwalior fort.

He was born in the Padmavati Purval Jain community, as he himself acknowledged. He was a lay disciple of Bramha Shripal, who was a disciple of Bhattaraka Yashahkiriti of Kashtha Sangh.

His known works are:

सं १५१० वर्षे माघ सुदी ८ सोमे गोपाचल दुर्गे तोमर वंशान्वये राजा श्री डूंगरेन्द्र देव राज्य पवित्रमाने श्री काष्ठासंघ माथुरान्वये भट्टारक श्री गुणकीर्ति देवास्तत्पट्टे श्री मलयकीर्ति देवास्ततो भट्टारक गुणभद्रदेव पंडितवर्य रइघू तदाम्नाये अग्रोतवंशे वासिलगोत्रे सकेलहा भार्या निवारी तयोः पुत्र विजयष्ट शाह ... साधु श्री माल्हा पुत्र संघातिपति देउताय पुत्र संघातिपति करमसीह श्री चन्द्रप्रभु जिनबिंब महाकाय प्रतिष्ठापित प्रणमति ..शुभम् भवतु ..

Some of his texts are still being discovered in Jain libraries. A Raighu Award, named after him, of Rs. 21,000 is given every year by the Shyamlal Shastri Trust in Firozabad.

