Rafa Esparza (born in 1981) is an American artist who live in Los Angeles. Esparza has performed at several parks, nightclubs, galleries, and museums in Los Angeles. His work often takes the form of physically exhaustive performances and installations constructed out of adobe bricks. Esparza also frequently works with collaborators, including members of his family.
Esparza was born in Los Angeles, California to Mexican parents. He attended East LA City College, in his early twenties, followed by UCLA.
For his participation in the 2016 Made in LA Bianual at the Hammer Museum Esparza created "Tierra," a field of adobe bricks created from the dirt of Chavez Ravine. The artist's sculptures and objects unearthed while creating the bricks were exhibited on the expanse of adobe bricks.
Esparza performed in Dorian Wood's "O" video.
In 2014 Esparza received an Art Matters grant and a California Community Fund Artist Fellowship.
Esparza will be included in the 2017 Whitney Biennial.