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Radivoj of Bosnia

anti-king of Bosnia
Period 1432-1435, 1443-1446
Died late May or early June 1463
Ključ or Jajce
Spouse Catherine of Velika
Issue Tvrtko, George,
Matthias, King of Bosnia
House House of Kotromanić
Father Ostoja, King of Bosnia
Religion Roman Catholic Church
prev. Bosnian Church

Radivoj of Bosnia (Serbo-Croatian: Radivoj Ostojić/Радивој Остојић; died in late May or early June 1463) was anti-king of Bosnia from 1432 until 1435, when he lost all control over the kingdom but did not relinquish the title, and again from 1443 until 1446, when he abandoned his claim. He was recognized as king by the Ottoman Empire and the Despotate of Serbia, as well as by the Bosnian noble houses of Kosača and Pavlović, but never by the West. Radivoj is thus seldom included in the list of rulers of Bosnia.

Radivoj was the older of the two illegitimate sons of King Ostoja. He was most likely born before 1410, during Ostoja's marriage to Kujava Radinović, the mother of the King's only legitimate son, Stephen Ostojić. Like his younger brother Thomas, Radivoj was a doubly adulterine child, as his father confessed to the pope that their mother too had a living husband at the time of their births. The surname Kristić (or Krstić or Hrstić), which was often appended to his name, was most likely derived from his mother's family name. Upon Ostoja's death in September 1418, Radivoj's older half-brother Stephen ascended the throne, but was deposed by their father's nephew and rival Tvrtko II in 1421, dying soon afterwards.

Radivoj started claiming the crown in 1428, but did not become a serious pretender until the War for Konavli in 1430, when the Ottomans lent him their support. Acting as anti-king, Radivoj sent a delegation to the Republic of Ragusa in 1431. The following year, the Burgundian spy Bertrandon de la Broquière found him at the Sublime Porte asking Murad II for help in his bid to the throne. The Despot of Serbia Đurađ Branković and Bosnia's most powerful noblemen, Sandalj of the House of Kosača and Radoslav of the House of Pavlović, also rallied to support Radivoj.

