A racialized society is a society where socioeconomic inequality, residential segregation and low intermarriage rates are the norm, where humans’ definitions of personal identity and choices of intimate relationships reveal racial distinctiveness, and where “people are seldom unaware of the race of a person with whom they interact.”
A racialized society is a society where perceived race matters profoundly for life experiences, opportunities, and interpersonal relationships.
A racialized society can also be said to be "a society that allocates differential economic, political, social, and even psychological rewards to groups along perceived racial lines; lines that are socially constructed."
It is argued that racial/ethnic identity are not separate or autonomous categories and what is called 'racial categories' in the United States are actually racialized ethnic categories.
United States society is considered by some a racialized society in which divisions between the racial/ethnic groups are given. Critical race theory argues that racism is normal and is engrained [sic] in the fabric and system of the American society. There are ongoing racial disparities between races in the United States in employment, housing, religion, and race-conscious institutions. Some scholars argue a "privileged/non-privileged dynamic" exists. This means that cultural practice assigns value and assumed competence to people who have certain characteristics or features. The social psychological approach maintains that prejudice socialized early in life feeds racial stereotypes.