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Rabbit stew

Rabbit stew, also referred to as hare stew when hare is used, is a stew prepared using rabbit meat as a main ingredient. Some traditional regional preparations of the dish exist, such as Coniglio All' Ischitana on the island of Ischia, German Hasenpfeffer and jugged hare in Great Britain and France. Hare stew dates back to at least the 14th century, and was published in The Forme of Cury during this time as a recipe for stewed hare. Rabbit stew is a traditional dish of the Algonquin people, and is also a part of the cuisine of the Greek islands. Hare stew was commercially manufactured and canned circa the early 1900s in western France and eastern Germany.

Rabbit stew is prepared using rabbit meat as a primary ingredient. Additional ingredients can include potato, carrot, onion, celery, garlic, wine and various herbs and spices. The rabbit can be marinated in a liquid, such as red wine, prior to cooking. The blood of the hare or rabbit has historically been used in some preparations of hare stew and rabbit stew to thicken and enrich it, and this practice is sometimes used in contemporary preparations. A more recent example of this is in England (circa the 1910s and prior to this time), whereby the blood was sometimes used to enrich hare stew.

Conejo en salmorejo is a very common rabbit stew dish in the Canary Islands prepared using marinated rabbit. Ingredients used in the marinade include wine, olive oil, cumin, garlic and various herbs, and it as an aromatic dish. It is sometimes served accompanied with Canarian wrinkly potatoes.

Coniglio All' Ischitana is a traditional rabbit stew dish on the island of Ischia, which located off of the coast of Naples, Italy. Ingredients in Coniglio All' Ischitana include rabbit, tomato, white wine, garlic, chili pepper and herbs such as rosemary, thyme, marjoram and basil.

Fenkata is a traditional Maltese communal meal and feast prepared using rabbit in various dishes, and may include stuffat tal-fenek, a rabbit stew, served atop spaghetti.

Hasenpfeffer is a traditional stew in German cuisine prepared using hare or rabbit as a primary ingredient. Some preparation variations exist, but the blood of the hare or rabbit is traditionally used, which serves to thicken the stew. It is typically a very flavorful and delicious stew.

