Qui pluribus (On Faith And Religion) was an encyclical promulgated by Pope Pius IX in 1846. It disputed the belief that reason should be put above faith.
It singled out the free gift of anti-Catholic Bibles. Its coupling of political liberalism and religious indifferentism is seen as a condemnation of the Italian Carbonari in particular and Freemasonry in general but it did not mention Freemasonry directly.
Its opposition to religious pluralism was similar to previous encyclicals, most especially Mirari vos, issued by Pope Gregory XVI. Some have argued that the condemnations were softened somewhat by the declaration of the Second Vatican Council Dignitatis humanae, but others see no change.
The Catholic Church's prohibition of membership in Masonic organizations is considered to be still in force. However, canon law does not state so directly, but its abstract implies so.