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Quiech's date back to 100bc, but were only used until 49bc, they were an elite unit of the Roman legions usually being released from behind the lines when times were desperate they were trained to attack important figures like officers and commanders. They didn’t see much combat during their short time in service which is why little is recorded of their short military history, although they had great success they were ultimately phased out due to the low breeding rate leading to it being hard to acquire purebred quiech's therefore leading to a ban by Julius Caesar in an attempt to save the queich. However this was a little too late and the itlaian quiech population went extinct a little over a year after the ban.

The Itlaian Island was a small island just off the coast of Terracina, in the Tyrrhenian Sea it was a part of a small island chain called the pontine islands with the biggest in the chain being named isola di ponza. It was renamed to isla zannone in the 1880's when the lighthouse on the island was constructed. It is home to a variety of rare biomes as well as being naturally beautiful, it is host to a number of animal species and as well as plant and insect life.

Although a member of the hamster family the Quiech more closely resembles a small dog in body shape but has an oddly shaped head for any animal having a more oval shaped head.

For its size it was very strong almost rivalling a human in strength, it also had extremely good hand eye coordination as well as speed and endurance. This made it a very versatile fighter being able to hold its own in hand to hand combat as well as being able to get itself into spaces most soldiers couldn’t and fight in a way most soldiers couldn’t.

It was quite a muscly creature but still relatively small, it resembled a dog even though it was more closely related to hamsters. It had a very odd shaped head with the head being more shaped like an egg, with the brain being cantered towards the middle of the skull meaning the top of the skull was mainly bone making it very solid. Even though it had an odd shaped head and was about the size of a rat it still had no trouble fitting through small holes, like in sieges due to its impressive ability to almost flatten its body. Just like most hamsters it had nothing more than a stub for its tail, but had longer legs than most hamsters which is why it had an easy time wielding and using a sword and didn’t need as much space as a normal soldier.

The Quiech was first discovered in 100bc during an expedition to itlaian island lead by Consul Gaius Marius who immediately recognised the military capability of the animal, he ordered his men capture as many as possible to be trained and supplied to the army as an added weapon to their arsenal. This expedition greatly hurt the quiech population on the island as most of the strong male Quiech's were taken to be trained for the army, this left the population severely weakened and it never really recovered. The Discovery of the Quiech was a closely kept secret as the Consul and the Senate agreed that this information was best kept from the public and that the Quiech would best serve Roman interests in a military role.

