A quad antenna is a type of directional wire radio antenna used on the HF and VHF bands. Like a Yagi-Uda antenna ("Yagi"), a quad consists of a driven element and parasitic elements; however in a quad, each of these elements takes the form of a loop of wire, which may be square, round, or some other shape. It is used by radio amateurs on the HF and VHF amateur bands.
The quad antenna is a development of several inventions.
In 1924, Moses Jacobson patented a loop antennas with rhombic shape.
In 1938, George Brown et al. patented a loop antenna with rhombic shape and quarterwave sides.
In 1951 Clarence C. Moore, W9LZX, a Christian Missionary and engineer at HCJB (a shortwave missionary radio station high in the Andean Mountains) developed and patented a two-turn loop antenna that he called a "quad". He developed this antenna to resolve issues caused by large coronal discharges while using a beam antenna in the thin air of higher altitudes. Moore describes his antenna as "a pulled-open folded dipole". While the main point of Moore's patent was the two turn single loop design which is not the antenna termed "quad" today, the patent does include a mention and illustration of a two element unidirectional "quad", and describes the time when the full wave loop concept was developed:
It is a further object of the present invention to provide a loop antenna having an even number of turns of a length of one or more wave lengths around each turn in which substantially no voltage components are present and the only voltage existing is that due to the impedance between the adjacent loops.
We took about one hundred pounds of engineering reference books with us on our short vacation to Posoraja, Ecuador during the summer of 1942, determined that with the help of God we could solve our problem. There on the floor of our bamboo cottage we spread open all the reference books we had brought with us and worked for hours on basic antenna design. Our prayers must have been answered, for gradually as we worked the vision of a quad-shaped antenna gradually grew with the new concept of a loop antenna having no ends to the elements, and combining relatively high transmitting impedance and high gain.