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Pushpaka Brahmins

Pushpaka Brahmin or simply Pushpaka is a caste of Hindu Brahmins of Kerala. They are a part of the Ambalavasi community in Kerala. They carry out the various activities of the temple like teaching of sacred texts, garland making, lamp works etc., and sometimes they perform actual priestly activities also. The male members of this caste generally use the surname Unni with their name. They also use the surname Sarma.

Pushpakas perform various temple related activities like teaching of sacred texts, garland making and lamp works. They were not allowed to take priesthood in the main shrine of the temple. Even though they learn Sanskrit texts, shlokas, mantras etc. and work as teachers in Pathasalas associated with temples. They also do priestly duties and ceremonies for the lower castes.

This caste is generally considered as an intermediate class between Brahmins and Kshatriyas. Since they are believed to possess the attributes of both Brahmins and Kshatriyas, they are commonly referred as Arddhabrahmanar i.e. Semi-Brahmins. The foreign travelers in Kerala classed the Pushpakas (along with many other Ambalavasi castes) with the lower or foreign Brahmins like Konkanastha Brahmins, Niyogis, Iyers etc. while making records.

Pushpakas use the surname Unni in general. They also use the surname Sarma.

Pushpakas were temple employees but they were not aristocratic like the Nampoothiris. In the past they resided within the temples in their quarters and were sustained by the temple. They lived at the benevolence of the temple. The major temple services of Pushpakas are:

Pushpakas wear Yajñopavītam and adhere to the 'Gayatri' mantra. The pushpaka brahmins belong to various Gotras and each gotara has associated pravaras. The gotras are Vasishta, Gautama, Atreya, Kashyapa, Bharadvaja, Viswamitra and Agastya. Each gotra has distinct pravaras.

