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Puerto Rico Baseball Academy and High School

The Puerto Rico Baseball Academy and High School (PRBAHS) is a non-profit organization combining academics and sports programs into one curriculum. Its goal is to prepare its students for higher education, competitive college scholarship opportunities, and the Major League Baseball Draft. The PRBAHS is the only high school in Puerto Rico or the United States with this type of learning environment.

The school is located 30 minutes outside of San Juan near the University of Turabo in Gurabo, Puerto Rico. It admits students ages 14–18 into 10th through 12th grade.

The school was first envisioned by former Texas Rangers pitcher Edwin Correa, who was motivated by the decline of Puerto Rican players in the major leagues. The Dominican Republic has recently had many more players signed than Puerto Rico has, in part because of differing rules. United States standards, upheld by the PRBAHS, require players to complete a high school diploma or to be at least 18 years of age, while Dominican players are able to sign with major league organizations as early as 16 years of age. For the 2003 season, there were 38 versus 79 on the Major League rosters that came from Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, respectively.

Although the school was founded in 2002, its inception began 1999, when founder Edwin Correa coached at Las Palmas, the Los Angeles Dodgers’ complex located in the Dominican Republic. It was at Las Palmas where his vision began and he decided to use the complex as a model to draft his own prototype.

