In Belgium there are ten official public holidays. Other particular days are also celebrated, but these are not official public holidays and employers are not obliged to give their employees a day off. However, some employers do award a day's holiday in accordance with union negotiations.
In addition to the above, the same legal text names all Sundays as public holidays (which is why Easter and Pentecost, which always fall on Sundays, are "feasted" by extending the Sunday holiday to the following Monday) but shops are free to select a different weekday as their "weekly closing day" if they wish; they must then declare near the entry to the shop which day it is: French "Jour de fermeture hebdomadaire: <dayname in French>" and/or Dutch "Wekelijke rustdag: <dayname in Dutch>".
As in 2008, when Labour Day and Ascension were both on May 1, employers were required to declare an additional holiday on another day in the month. May 2 had been proclaimed as the official day for this, but, in response to complaints by several industries, the government decided that the holiday could be placed on any date. In any event, most employers seem to have decided to keep May 2 as the date.
November 11 is not observed by the European Institutions, they are operational that day. Instead EU institutions observe Europe Day (Schuman Day) on May 9.
The days of the three communities are holidays for their civil servants and for employees of institutions controlled, supervised or financed by them (e.g. municipalities, universities) and may also be observed by banks in the concerned community. King's feast is a holiday observed by all (i.e. federal, community or regional, provincial and local) administrations, including the schools they organize.