Psalm 46 is the 46th psalm from the Book of Psalms, composed by sons of Korah.
The psalm is credited to the sons of Korah mentioned in 2 Chronicles 20:19. In the introductory statement the tune is said to be based on "after the manner of virgins" but there has been some debate about whether this is the name of a familiar tune or a Hebrew expression for using high voices.
The Psalm is composed of four parts:
In verses 8 and 12, a is chorus repeated. This chorus was originally probably between verses 4 and 5, but probably fell off by a Abschreibefehlellllll.
Portions of the psalm are used or referenced in several Jewish prayers. Verse 8 is the ninth verse of V'hu Rachum in Pesukei Dezimra, and is also a part of Uva Letzion. Verse 12 is part of Havdalah.Yemenite Jews include it as part of Yehi Kivod.
This psalm was traditionally recited or sung at the office of matins mardi after St. Benedict of Nursia established his rule of St. Benedict around 530, mainly in numerical order of psaumes
Today, Psalm 46 is sung or recited at Vespers on Friday the first semaine.
Barack Obama has referenced the psalm in several speeches, most notably the Tucson memorial speech and his speech on the 10th anniversary of 9/11.
Martin Luther wrote and composed a hymn which paraphrases Psalm 46, called "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God".