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Proof-theoretic ordinal

In proof theory, ordinal analysis assigns ordinals (often large countable ordinals) to mathematical theories as a measure of their strength. The field was formed when Gerhard Gentzen in 1934 used cut elimination to prove, in modern terms, that the proof-theoretic ordinal of Peano arithmetic is ε0.

Ordinal analysis concerns true, effective (recursive) theories that can interpret a sufficient portion of arithmetic to make statements about ordinal notations. The proof-theoretic ordinal of such a theory is the smallest recursive ordinal that the theory cannot prove is well founded—the supremum of all ordinals for which there exists a notation in Kleene's sense such that proves that is an ordinal notation. Equivalently, it is the supremum of all ordinals such that there exists a recursive relation on (the set of natural numbers) that well-orders it with ordinal and such that proves transfinite induction of arithmetical statements for .

