Prodelphinidin is a name for the polymeric tannins composed of gallocatechin. It yields delphinidin during depolymerisation under oxidative conditions.
Prodelphinidins can be found in Cistus salviifolius. Gallocatechin-(4→8)-catechin (prodelphinidin B3), gallocatechin-(4→8)-gallocatechin and catechin-(4→8)-gallocatechin can be found in the pomegranate peels.Prodelphinidin B-2 3'-O-gallate can be found in green tea leaves and prodelphinidin B-2 3,3'-di-O-gallate can be found in Myrica rubra.
Prodelphinidin B3 (gallocatechin-(4α→8)-catechin) and prodelphinidin B9 (epigallocatechin-(4α→8)-catechin) can be isolated in beer.Prodelphinidin C2 (gallocatechin-(4α→8)-gallocatechin-(4α→8)-catechin) can be isolated in malt.
The A-type proanthocyanidin epigallocatechin-(2β→7,4β→8)-epicatechin can be found in the leaves of Dioclea lasiophylla,