Private revelation is, in Christian theology, a message from God, which can come in a variety of types.
Throughout the history of Christianity, there have been numerous reported revelations, from the prophecies of Montanus to the Miracle of the Sun (occurred in Fátima, Portugal).
According to the Catholic Church, there are two types of revelations: divine revelation, which is in the Word of God (the Bible and Sacred Tradition), and in the Word of God incarnate (Jesus Christ); and personal revelation, which is a heavenly message that helps people live by divine revelation.
Other terms for divine revelation include public prophecy, public revelation, fundamental revelation, and definitive revelation, while other terms for personal revelation include private prophecy, private revelation, dependent revelation, and particular revelation.
Divine revelation was fulfilled, completed, and perfected in Christ, the fullness and mediator, author and interpreter, purpose and center of public revelation. Hence, public revelation is the deposit of faith and rule of faith and must be lived by all Catholics. Saint Thomas Aquinas taught that all public revelation ended with the death of Saint John the Apostle. Private revelations cannot surpass, correct, improve, fulfill, complete, or perfect public revelation.
Divine revelation, since it is contained in the Word of God and in Christ, also includes the church, the magisterium, the sacraments, and Catholic dogma. Because the church and the magisterium are a part of divine revelation, the bishops have divine authority. Because the sacraments are a part of divine revelation, their natures cannot be changed (for example, receiving Holy Communion without mortal sin) but their ways of celebration can be changed (for example, receiving Holy Communion in the hand or on the tongue). Because Catholic dogma is a part of divine revelation, the saving truths of Christ are immutable.