In mathematics, the adele ring (also adelic ring or ring of adeles) is defined in class field theory, a branch of algebraic number theory. It allows one to elegantly describe the Artin reciprocity law. The adele ring is a self-dual topological ring, which is built on a global field. It is the restricted product of all the completions of the global field and therefore contains all the completions of the global field.
The idele class group, which is the quotient group of the group of units of the adele ring by the group of units of the global field, is a central object in class field theory.
Notation: Throughout this article, is a global field. That means that is an algebraic number field or a global function field. In the first case, is a finite field extension, in the second case is a finite field extension. We write for a place of that means is a representative of an equivalence class of valuations. The trivial valuation and the corresponding trivial value aren't allowed in the whole article. A finite/non-Archimedean valuation is written as or and an infinite/Archimedean valuation as We write for the finite set of all infinite places of and for a finite subset of all places of which contains In addition, we write for the completion of with respect to the valuation If the valuation is discrete, then we write for the valuation ring of We write for the maximal ideal of If this is a principal ideal, then we write for a uniformizing element. By fixing a suitable constant there is a one-to-one identification of valuations and absolute values: The valuation is assigned the absolute value which is defined as: