Predmost 3 is an archaeological find from central Europe in the Czech republic, and is geologically dated as .
The find is a skull found in Predmosti, Moravia, and dated to 26,000yB.P. (25,000 years (ka)) 30,000 B.P., ( 30,000-12,000 B.P.) and has a cranial capacity of 1580 cubic centimetres (Holloway 2000;Holloway et al 2004)
The skull was destroyed in the Second World War by Nazi Germany.
In a morphometric analysis including Predmost3 (with five differing hominid skull finds) of variables in cranium dimensions [cranio-facial traits] compared to Homo sapiens sapiens Predmost three was found to correlate to a 73% similarity.(Lubson,Corruccini)
The skull belongs to a morphological Upper Palaeolithic group that is including Grotte des Enfants 4, Barma Grande 5 and Pavlov and Sunghir 1.