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In Greek mythology, Praxithea (Greek: Πραξιθέα) was a name attributed to five women.

Praxithea was a Naiad nymph. According to the Bibliotheca Praxithea married Erichthonius of Athens and by him had a son named Pandion I. Praxithea's sister Zeuxippe married her nephew Pandion, and to them were born Erechtheus, Butes, Procne and Philomela.

Praxithea was a daughter of Phrasimus and Diogeneia, daughter of the river-god Cephissus. She married Erechtheus and bore him Cecrops, Pandorus, Metion, Thespius, Eupalamus, Sicyon, Orneus, Procris, Creusa, Merope, Chthonia, Orithyia, Pandora and Protogeneia.

Praxithea was the woman that cried out when she saw Demeter holding Metanira's son Demophon in the fires, thus preventing him from becoming immortal.

Praxithea (or Phrasithea) was a daughter of Leos. Along with her sisters, Theope and Eubule, she sacrificed herself in order to save Athens. In another version, their father was the one who offered them up to sacrifice.

