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A powerslam is a professional wrestling body slam move in which the wrestler performing the slam falls face-down on top of his/her opponent. The use of the term "powerslam" usually refers to the front powerslam and the scoop powerslam.

The wrestler lifts the opponent up on his right shoulder, as in a front powerslam. Then, the left arm is wrapped around the opponent's neck and the right arm around the opponent's torso. The wrestler then sits down while dropping the opponent vertically to the right side, driving the opponent neck- and shoulder- first into the mat. The move was innovated by Mitsuharu Misawa and is technically known as a sitout side powerslam.

This move is also known as a falling slam or a reverse fallaway slam. Facing the opponent, the wrestler reaches between the opponent's legs with one arm and reaches around their back from the same side with the other arm. The wrestler lifts the opponent up so they are horizontal across the wrestler's body, then falls forward to slam the opponent against the mat back-first. Although not usually used as a finishing maneuver by most other competitors, Mark Henry uses the falling powerslam as his ending maneuver and refers to it as the World's Strongest Slam, playing off his claim to be the world's strongest man. An inverted version exists, where the opponent is lifted from behind and slammed in a manner similar to a falling slam, only on their face/abdomen.

The wrestler lifts the opponent across their shoulders in a fireman's carry, grabs their right leg and pushes it up, and positions their torso across the other wrestler's abdomen. The wrestler then falls forward, slamming the opponent down on their back in a front powerslam.

The most common powerslam variation, it is also often referred to simply as a "powerslam". The attacking wrestler reaches between an opponent's legs with one arm and reaches around their back from the same side with their other arm before then lifting the opponent up over their shoulder. From this position, the wrestler falls forward to slam the opponent against the mat back-first. Wrestlers often run forward as they slam and there is also inverted variation of the front powerslam.

The move, also known as a military press powerslam or falling press slam, is similar to a gorilla press slam. The wrestler lifts the opponent up over their head with arms fully extended (as in the military press used in weight lifting), drops the opponent into an over-the shoulder-position, then runs and falls forward to slam the opponent against the mat back-first.

