The Power 775 is a supercomputing component from IBM Corporation.
Sometimes known as the POWER7 IH or P7-IH, the Power 775 is the commercial product that was developed under the PERCS (Productive, Easy-to-use, Reliable Computing System) program - IBM's answer to DARPA's High Productivity Computing Systems (HPCS) initiative. PERCS is based on POWER7 processor, X10, AIX operating system and General Parallel File System.
The Power 775 was released by IBM in 2011 as a commercial product after IBM ended its participation in the Blue Waters petaflops project at the University of Illinois, but marketed the 775 based on the growth of its high performance computing business.
Power 775 is a water-cooled rack module, 34 inches wide, 54 inches deep and 3.5 inches high (2U). Each drawer comprises eight cache coherent nodes (each of which can host single one or more O/S images) with a MCM with four POWER7 CPUs each, and 16 DDR3 SDRAM slots per MCM for a total of 256 POWER7 cores and 2 TB RAM. Each drawer has eight optical connect controller hub chips, connecting neighboring MCMs, PCIe peripherals and other compute nodes in a dragonfly network topology. One rack can house up to a dozen Power 775 drawers for a total performance of 96 TFLOPS.
Unlike the IBM Blue Gene series which uses low-power processors to avoid heat density issues, the Power 775 is a water-cooled system.
The system supports up to 24 terabytes of memory and 230 terabytes of storage per rack. It is estimated to achieve over 94 teraflops per rack.