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Polyteknikkojen Ilmailukerho

Polyteknikkojen Ilmailukerho (PIK) is the student flying club of the Aalto University. It is similar to the Akafliegs of German Universities. Students make designs with advice from staff to give practical experience before seeking employment. It was formed in 1931 and has since developed light aircraft and gliders, often on a small scale but sometimes its designs have been produced in quantity. The club also owns aircraft that members can rent.

Club members designed a series of gliders starting in 1945 including:

The PIK-3 was designed by Lars Norrmen and Ilkka Lounama and first flew in 1950. It became widely used in Finnish gliding clubs. 40 were built.

The PIK-16 Vasama (or Arrow) was designed by Tuomo Tervo, Jorma Jalkenen and Kurt Hedström. A PIK-16C took third place in the Standard Class in the World Gliding Championships in 1963. It was put into series production by KK Lehtovaara O/Y which built 56.

The PIK-20 was designed by a team led by a student, Pekka Tammi, from 1971-1973 and guided by Ilkka Rantasalo and Raimo Nurminen. The first flight was in 1973. It was produced by initially by Molino O/Y which was taken over by Eiri-Avion O/Y in 1974 but continued production. PIK-20 gliders won the first three places at the Standard Class at the World Gliding Championships in 1976. 409 PIK-20 gliders of all types were built by 1981, of which 85% were exported.

