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Polycarpe de la Rivière

Dom Polycarpe de la Rivière, was Carthusian prior of the 17th century, historian and scholar with a fertile imagination. Much of his life is surrounded in mystery and although he wrote biographies on numerous church identities he is considered generally to have been a fabricator. Among the persons about whom he wrote are:

Photo of Polycarpe de la Rivière

Polycarpe de la Rivière was a very mysterious person. 'Polycarpe de la Rivière' was a psudonym and he spent considerable effort during his life to hid his age, birthplace and real name. Originally a Jesuit, he transferred to the Grande Chartreuse, where he eventually became a prior.

He was made prior of Bonpas in 1630. In 1639 he and two servants left to make a pilgrimage to the baths of Mont Dore, and were never heard of again.

Even in his own life his works were considered to be controversial with many of his latter works banned.

