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Polly Plummer

Polly Plummer
Narnia character
Race Human
Nation England
Gender Female
Birthplace London, England, Earth
Major character in

Polly Plummer is a major fictional character from C. S. Lewis's fantasy series The Chronicles of Narnia. She appears in two of the seven books: The Magician's Nephew and The Last Battle.

Polly is introduced in The Magician's Nephew - which was the sixth book in the series to be published but is first in the internal chronology of Narnia.

In 1900, she is an 11-year-old girl who lives in London, England in a multi-story terrace house and is the neighbor of Digory Kirke's aunt, with whom is staying Digory and his gravely ill mother. Polly befriends Digory and one of the places they play in together, is her house's attic room, which leads into an inner-roof space which also connects to the attic rooms in all the houses in their row of terrace houses. Polly uses the attic as a hide-out where she drinks ginger beer and is gradually writing a private story which does not share with Digory.

One day whilst exploring the inner roof space in the row of terrace houses, the children accidentally enter the study of Digory's Uncle Andrew. He is an alarming person initially in his own domain but he successfully ingratiates himself with Polly and offers her a yellow ring as a gift which causes her to vanish as soon as she touches it. Uncle Andrew believes Polly has now been sent to another world and blackmails Digory into following her with another ring, in order to bring her back so he can hear about what is occurring in the 'other place'. Digory is forced to comply and this results in him finding himself (with Polly) in another place. However, this is not a place as Uncle Andrew had imagined and between Digory's sharp mind and inquisitiveness and Polly's practical caution and concern for safety, they realize that if they are careful they can use this Wood between the Worlds in the same way as the inner roof space as the terrace houses; linking to all the worlds. The Wood is scattered with large pools as far as they can see and they have emerged from just one. Polly and Digory come to realize that Digory's Uncle Andrew has no inkling of this reality as he is just an ignorant dabbler in arcane arts, with only pretensions to be a magician and is also not prepared to take his own risks.

