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Politics of Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is a unitary parliamentary constitutional republic, in which the President is the head of state and the Prime Minister is the head of government. Executive power is exercised by the Government of the Czech Republic which reports to the lower house of Parliament. The Legislature is bicameral, with the Chamber of Deputies (Poslanecká sněmovna) consisting 200 members and the Senate (Senát) consisting 81 members. Both houses together make Parliament of the Czech Republic.

Political system of the Czech Republic is a multi-party system. Since 1993, the two largest parties were Czech Social Democratic Party (ČSSD) and Civic Democratic Party (ODS). This model changed in early 2014, when new political party ANO 2011 ended up as a runner-up and created a coalition government with ČSSD and KDU-ČSL. The biggest opposition parties being KSČM (far-left wing) and TOP09 (right wing).

