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Policy Matters Ohio

Policy Matters Ohio
PolicyMattersOhio logo.gif
"For a more prosperous, equitable, sustainable and inclusive Ohio"
Formation January 2000
Type Nonprofit
Purpose economic policy
Executive Director
Amy Hanauer
Affiliations EARN, Demos, Emerald Cities, Economic Policy Institute, Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, State Fiscal Analysis Initiative, Community Shares of Greater Cleveland, One Ohio Now, Ohio CASH Coalition
Revenue (2015)
Expenses (2015) $859,398
Website www.policymattersohio.org

Policy Matters Ohio is an Ohio-based nonprofit with 501(c)(3) status. The organization describes itself as a nonpartisan policy research institute that works to create a more vibrant, equitable, sustainable and inclusive Ohio through research, strategic communications, coalition building and policy advocacy. Founded in January 2000, its research focuses on economic issues facing low- and middle-income workers in Ohio. The organization receives funding from a variety of local and national foundations, including the George Gund Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the St. Luke's foundation and the Cleveland Foundation.

Policy Matters Ohio works for quality public structures, a fair economy, pathways out of poverty and sustainable communities. Policy Matters provides "ammunition for advocates" to ensure that the interests of working Ohioans are represented at the statehouse.

Policy Matters Ohio contributes extensive research on budget policy and tax policy in Ohio. Topics range from recent state cuts on local health and human service levies to tax cuts that shift the responsibility of revenue to Ohio's working class. Policy Matters has covered the shift in taxation during Governor John Kasich's tenure that overburdens working Ohioans and relieves the wealthiest. It has also charted Ohio's budget, specifically allocations to Medicaid and state government assistance.

Policy Matters also focuses on energy issues. It has published press releases on fracking, green energy and the weatherization of low-income households. Among other topics, the organization takes on economic development issues, gathers data on job creation and campaigns against prison privatization.

Policy Matters is a member of Greater Cleveland Community Shares, and was honored as the "Member Organization of the Year" for 2008. Policy Matters also has been recognized by The Nation magazine, Cincinnati CityBeat, the northeast Ohio chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, the Mandel Center for Non-Profit Organizations, the Ohio Association of Non-Profit Organizations, the Ohio Federation of Teachers, and Inside Business magazine.

