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Police rank

Lists of the ranks of various police agencies and forces all around the world:

Generally, all police forces of Australia follow this rank structure with some individual state police forces have ranks differing slightly.

Insignia of rank displayed on epaulette in italics and brackets

For an overview of all distinct state and federal rank structures,

Brazil has several different police forces, each with its own ranks. At a federal level, there are the Federal Police (Portuguese: Polícia Federal, the equivalent to the FBI), the Federal Highway Police (Polícia Rodoviária Federal) and the Federal Railrway Police (Polícia Ferroviária Federal). At a state level, there are the Military Police (Polícia Militar, a gendarmerie type force not to be confused with the military polices of other countries, the Brazilian equivalent of which is the Army Police) and the Civil Police (Polícia Civil). At a city level, there is the Municipal Guard (Guarda Municipal). In terms of staff, the Military Police and the Civil Police are the most important ones, although in terms of headlines and prestige, the Federal Police is the one that concentrates most of the media attention.

The Civil Police is responsible for investigating crimes whilst the Military Police is responsible for preventing them to take place, although it is not rare to see their functions clashing and ever so often they actually have open confronts.

The Civil Police is organized accordingly to functions. Scrivener (escrivão) is the lower rank position responsible for the internal work inside the police premises (e.g., collecting witness statements). Detective (detetive) or investigator (investigador) is the position responsible for actions outside the premises (e.g., investigating the circumstances of a crime). Delegate (delegado, similar to captain in USA) is the senior official (required to have a law degree) responsible for the lower ranks and for coordinating the whole work (investigations) of the Civil Police. The Civil Police also have the assistance of experts (peritos), which are the technical body. The Federal Police follows a very similar structure to the Civil Police, the same case in the Federal Highway and Railway polices.

The ranks listed below are valid for the state military police agencies (such as PMMG, PMESP, PMERJ and others) and are listed, respectively, from higher to lower ranks:

