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Poisonous spiders

Spider bite
Black Wishbone.jpg
Chelicerae of a black wishbone (nemesiid) spider, a mygalomorph
Classification and external resources
Specialty Emergency medicine
ICD-10 T14.1 · T63.3
W57 (nonvenomous)
X21 (venomous)
ICD-9-CM 989.5 · E905.1 · E906.4
DiseasesDB 12299
MedlinePlus 002858
eMedicine article/772484

A spider bite, also known as arachnidism, is an injury resulting from the bite of a spider. The effects of most bites are not serious. Most bites result in mild symptoms around the area of the bite. Rarely they may produce a necrotic skin wound or severe pain.

Most spiders do not cause bites that are of importance. For a bite to be significant, substantial envenomation is required. Bites from the widow spiders involve a neurotoxic venom which produces a condition known as latrodectism. Symptoms may include: pain which may be at the bite or involve the chest and abdomen, sweating, muscle cramps and vomiting among others. Bites from the recluse spiders cause the condition loxoscelism, in which local necrosis of the surrounding skin and widespread breakdown of red blood cells may occur. Headaches, vomiting and a mild fever may also occur. Other spiders that can cause significant bites include: the Australian funnel web spiders and the South American wandering spider.

Efforts to prevent bites include clearing clutter and the use of pesticides. Most spider bites are managed with supportive care such as NSAIDs (including ibuprofen) for pain and antihistamines for itchiness.Opioids may be used if the pain is severe. While an antivenom exists for black widow spider venom, it is associated with anaphylaxis and therefore not commonly used in the United States. Antivenom against funnel web spider venom improves outcomes. Surgery may be required to repair the area of injured skin from some recluse bites.

Spider bites may be overdiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Historically a number of conditions were attributed to spider bites. In the Middle Ages a condition claimed to arise from spider bites was tarantism, where people danced wildly. While necrosis has been attributed to the bites of a number of spiders, good evidence only supports this for recluse spiders.

