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Plasmodium relictum

Plasmodium biziurae
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Protista
Phylum: Apicomplexa
Class: Aconoidasida
Order: Haemosporida
Family: Plasmodiidae
Genus: Plasmodium
Species: P. relictum
Binomial name
Plasmodium relictum

Plasmodium paddae

Plasmodium relictum or Plasmodium biziurae is a parasite of the genus Plasmodium.

Like all Plasmodium species, P. biziurae has both vertebrate and insect hosts. The vertebrate hosts for this parasite are birds.

Plasmodium paddae

The parasite was first described by Gilruth, Sweet and Dodd in 1910.

The only known host for this species is the musk duck, Biziura lobata.

