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Pius Walder

Pius Walder (April 4, 1952 in the Villgraten valley – September 8, 1982 in Kalkstein, a part of Innervillgraten in the Villgraten valley, Austria) was an Austrian lumberjack and poacher. His life and violent death led to ongoing conflicts in his home town and have been depicted in movies and books.

Pius Walder was the youngest of twelve children, born in the family of Josef Walder from Innervillgraten and his wife Anna Senfter from Außervillgraten. Walder's home community is a Streusiedlung with various farms spread out on the Kirchweiler Kalkstein in the Tauern mountains at an altitude of 1,640 metres (5,380 ft). The Villgraten valley is a tributary of the Pustertal. The western and eastern borders of the community border the Südtirol in Italy. The valley is one of the most remote regions in Austria; year-round access was only established in 1956.

Walder never married. He was a lumberjack by trade and he and his brothers were also poachers. On September 8, 1982, he was observed at dusk with blackened face and carrying a rifle, and was shot by Johann Schett, a forester and state hunter. Schett was later sentenced to three years in prison for Körperverletzung mit tödlichem Ausgang (a lower grade of manslaughter) and was released after 18 months. The comparatively lenient sentence was viewed with contempt by Walder's family.

The forester Johann Bergmann said that he had heard shots on 8 September and alerted his colleagues Schett and Schaller. They spotted Walder more than 100 metres (110 yd) away. They called to him and when he tried to run away, Schett shot him in the back of his head. However, Walder's gun had not been used that day. Walder's brother assumed that the hunters had killed him on purpose. Walder's gravestone and the death notice refer to his death as murder. The gravestone bears the claim: Ich wurde am 8. September 1982 in Kalkstein von zwei Jägern aus der Nachbarschaft kaltblütig und gezielt beschossen und vom 8. Schuss tödlich in den Hinterkopf getroffen (On September 8, 1982, I was shot in Kalkstein by two hunters from the neighborhood, in cold blood and deliberately, and the 8th shot hit the back of my head with deadly force). In 2012 one of the Walder brothers disturbed the burial of Schett 30 years later with loud accusations of murder.

