Pinehesy, Panehesy or Panehasy, depending on the transliteration, was Viceroy of Kush during the reign of Ramesses XI, the last king of the Egyptian 20th Dynasty.
He is named in the following dated sources:
[1] -his name appears in the very damaged first lines on the verso of Pap. B.M. 10053. This text is dated to an anonymous year 9, which stems from the reign of Ramesses XI, but might be ascribed either to his actual "year 9" or alternatively to "year 9 of the Whm Mswt", a somewhat enigmatic era this king started in his 19th regnal year. In the latter case, this text would actually stem from his 27th regnal year. This mention has often been taken as evidence that Pinehesy was in office at the time of this 'year 9' and took part in the court case which is described in the document. However, it has been pointed out that that is an over interpretation of the evidence: there is no title remaining, so the reference need not even have been to the well-known viceroy (the name was not uncommon) and even if we are dealing with the viceroy, the context is too damaged to ascertain how the name functioned in the text. E.g. it cannot be excluded that the name may have been part of some back reference to a period in the (recent) past (e.g. "the time when Pinehesy suppressed the High Priest", rather than to an actual participant in the procedures.
[2] -in the Turin Taxation Papyrus, stemming from a year 12 of Ramesses XI (again, either the actual "year 12" or "year 12 of the Whm Mswt"), he is mentioned as Viceroy of Kush. It is clear from the source that he was in office at the time.
[3] -in year 17 of Rameses XI he is mentioned in his capacity as Viceroy of Kush in a letter the king wrote to him (see the picture heading this article).
[4] -in sources from the first two years of the Whm Mswt (roughly equaling year 19 and 20 of Ramses XI) he is described as "a public enemy and someone far away, belonging to the past". These sources are: Pap. Mayer A 13, B3; Pap. B.M. 10052, 10,18; Pap. B.M. 10383, 2,5.
[5] -in Late Ramesside Letter no.28 (Pap. B.M. 10375) from a year 10 (safely ascribable to the Whm Mswt) it is mentioned that the general and High Priest Piankh is about to "go to Pinehesy".