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Pilaster strip

A lesene – also called a pilaster strip – is an architectural term for a narrow, low-relief, vertical pillar in a wall. It resembles a pilaster, but does not have a base or capital.

Lesenes are used in architecture to vertically divide a facade or other wall surface optically, albeit—unlike pilasters—without a base or capital. Their function is ornamental, not just to decorate the plain surface of a wall but, in the case of corner lesenes, to emphasise the edges of a building.

Lesenes and corbel table on a chapel wall

Lesenes and corbel table at the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia in Ravenna (ca. 430 AD)

Lesene on the staircase tower of the Gernrode collegiate church (before 1000 AD)

Lesenes on the Abbey church of Maria Laach (1156)

Robin Hood Gardens, London – Lesene-shaped formation on the supporting wall in the Plattenbau style

Lesenes at Chile House, Hamburg

