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Photoshop contest

A Photoshop contest, or sometimes photochop contest, is an online game, in which a website or user of an Internet forum will post a starting jimage — usually a photograph — and ask others to manipulate the image using some kind of graphics editing software, such as Adobe Photoshop, Corel Photo-Paint, The GIMP, PaintShop Pro, Paint.NET or Microsoft Paint.

While Photoshop is the industry standard image editing program, Adobe Systems, the publisher of Photoshop, discourages use of "Photoshop" to refer to anything other than their photo editing software, to prevent their trademark from becoming generic.

A large part of the humor in many of these contests involves the use of internet memes.

Such contests are nowadays finding increasing participations in many blogs, The popular internet community Reddit, even has an entire forum called /r/photoshopbattles devoted to the contests. A more "underground" variety of these image manipulation jokes involves the blending of celebrity faces with nude or pornographic images, often combined with references to movies, music, magazines and other forms of related popular culture.

Photoshop tennis (also known as Photoshop Pong or Photoshop battle (similar in its function to a "DJ battle" in hip hop music) is a game played through sequential alternating photoshopping of an image. Photoshop tennis originated in graphics-related internet forums in the late-1990s/early-2000s, and shares an earlier history with online image games such as SITO's "PANIC" (started January, 1994). The game was made popular by art director Jim Coudal in 2001 as "Photoshop Tennis". The matches on coudal.com have since been renamed Layer Tennis, as they are no longer restricted to the use of Adobe Photoshop.

