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In physics, a photon gas is a gas-like collection of photons, which has many of the same properties of a conventional gas like hydrogen or neon – including pressure, temperature, and entropy. The most common example of a photon gas in equilibrium is black body radiation.

A massive ideal gas with only one type of particle is uniquely described by three state functions such as the temperature, volume, and the number of particles. However, for a black body, the energy distribution is established by the interaction of the photons with matter, usually the walls of the container. In this interaction, the number of photons is not conserved. As a result, the chemical potential of the black body photon gas is zero. The number of state functions needed to describe a black body state is thus reduced from three to two (e.g. temperature and volume).

In a gas with massive particles, the energy of the particles is distributed according to a Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution. This distribution is established as the particles collide with each other, exchanging energy (and momentum) in the process. In a photon gas, there will also be an equilibrium distribution, but photons do not collide with each other (except under very extreme conditions, see two-photon physics), so the equilibrium distribution must be established by other means. The most common way that an equilibrium distribution is established is by the interaction of the photons with matter. If the photons are absorbed and emitted by the walls of the system containing the photon gas, and the walls are at a particular temperature, then the equilibrium distribution for the photons will be a black body distribution at that temperature.

A very important difference between a gas of massive particles and a photon gas with a black body distribution is that the number of photons in the system is not conserved. A photon may collide with an electron in the wall, exciting it to a higher energy state, removing a photon from the photon gas. This electron may drop back to its lower level in a series of steps, each one of which releases an individual photon back into the photon gas. Although the sum of the photon energies of the emitted photons are the same as the absorbed photon, the number of emitted photons will vary. It can be shown that, as a result of this lack of constraint on the number of photons in the system, the chemical potential of the photons must be zero for black body radiation.

