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Phillip Glasier

Phillip Edward Brougham Glasier (22 Dec 1915 – 11 September 2000) was Britain's leading expert on hawking and falconry. Glasier initiated a new interest in falconry in both the UK and the United States of America. He spent much of his life involved with the conservation and breeding of raptors and bringing them to public attention through the foundation of the Falconry Centre (now the International Centre for Birds of Prey), Newent, Gloucestershire, as well as through books, lectures and public demonstrations. He founded the Hawk Trust (now the Hawk and Owl Trust) and the Raptor Breeders' Association.

Glasier was born in Southfields in south-west London, where his father was a land agent. Around 1920 the family moved to Kent and later to Suffolk where he spent his childhood. A great influence on his life at that time was a step-uncle, Captain Charles Knight, a respected ornithologist and falconer who encouraged the young Glasier's interest in nature and wildlife. Charles Knight lived a short distance from Glasier's home outside Sevenoaks. As a child and teenager Glasier spent much time with his uncle learning about wildlife and in particular birds of prey. With his cousin, the actor Esmond Knight, he took part in a number of amateur films made by Charles Knight. Such was his skill at handling birds that when his uncle went away on an expedition he left his young nephew in charge of an African hawk-eagle.

On leaving school Glasier went to work in his father's land agency business.

During WWII Glasier was an instructor in the Royal Armoured Corp. He was stationed initially at Bovington Camp in Dorset, and while waiting for a commission he became an instructor for arms and then tanks. He finally went to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst as a gunnery instructor. Glasier was demobilised in 1950 after 6 years' service.

His father had died during his period of military service and he was unable to return to his former employment. He set up as a press photographer in London but found it unsatisfactory and moved to Salisbury, where he set up a photography shop specialising in bird photographs. At this time Peter Scott was starting the Severn Wildfowl Trust (now the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust) and Glasier sent him a photograph of a mallard, hoping that Scott might buy it. He not only bought it but commissioned Glasier to take more photographs at the Wildfowl Trust, something he did on annual visits.

