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Philip Hirschkop

Philip Jay Hirschkop (March 14, 1936) is a lawyer who "(started his) career at the top" by taking Mildred and Richard Loving (Loving v. Virginia) on as clients, one month after he graduated from Georgetown University Law Center. The ACLU assigned the case to him and fellow volunteer cooperating attorney Bernard S. Cohen. Before the Supreme Court, Hirschkop and Cohen were permitted to divide (i.e., share) the oral argument for the petitioners.

Hirschkop went on to argue two additional cases before the Supreme Court in the 1970s. Other clients have included Martin Luther King Jr., Norman Mailer, PETA, and "numerous anti-war protesters during the 1960s and 1970s."

His father owned a clothing shop in New Jersey that had many migrant workers for customers. He attributes "his passion for social justice" (even though he originally intended to be a patent attorney) to meeting the workers in his childhood.

Hirschkop was a Green Beret.

Hirschkop and his wife Phyllis married in 1959. They have two children. Their marriage ended in divorce after 21 years.

