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Philadelphia United German-Hungarians

United German Hungarians of Philadelphia and Vicinity
GH's logo
Abbreviation GH
Motto Continuing a Proud Tradition
Formation 1910
Purpose The purpose of this organization shall be to serve the welfare of its members, and the general community, in the realms of Culture, Social Recreation, and Sport. (ARTICLE II Purpose, of the Constitution and By-laws)
  • 4666 Bristol Road, Oakford PA 19053
United States Bill Galgon
Main organ
The Monthly Progress
Affiliations USASA, Gauverband Nordamerika, Landesverband der Donauschwaben USA
Website http://ughclub.us
United German Hungarians
Proportion 10:10
Adopted July 2, 1994
Design Dark blue on one side, with symbols representing the contemporary German Hungarians. Dark red reverse depicts the schwope homeland
Field 1
Full name United German Hungarian's Field 1
Location 4666 Bristol Road, Oakford, PA 19053
Coordinates 40°09′04″N 74°57′58″W / 40.150995°N 74.966173°W / 40.150995; -74.966173
Operator GH Groundhogs
Capacity 2,000
Surface grass
Scoreboard yes
Built 1946
Renovated 1963, 1989
German Hungarian Major Team
Founded 1922
Current season 2011–2012 German Hungarian season
League United Soccer League of Pennsylvania
Based in Oakford PA
Stadium German Hungarian's Field 1
Colors red and black
Owner(s) The United German Hungarians of Philadelphia and Vicinity
Head coach United States Michael Curley
Manager United States Werner Fricker, III
Championships GH 1965 Amateur Cup Champions, GH 1999 USASA Open Cup Champions
Division titles

USL OF PA(16):1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1978, 1990, 1992, 1993, 2010 ICSL ULTRA DIV(2):1996, 1997

Broadcasters Michael Fricker, Press Officer
Local media https://twitter.com/UnitedGHSoccer
Football kit (red jersey; black shorts; and red socks).
Football kit (white jersey; black shorts; and white socks).
Website http://www.unitedsoccerleague.us/teams/29814898/19622337-29814988/TEAM.html
German Hungarian Cultural Group
Abbreviation GH CG
First event 1965
Purpose to foster the continuance of the traditional and folk dances of their ethnic group
Headquarters 4666 Bristol Road, Oakford, PA 19053
Cultural Group Chairman United States Susi Hartmann
German Hungarian Schuhplattler Group
First event 1976
Purpose to perform Bavarian Schuhplattler Dances
Headquarters 4666 Bristol Road, Oakford, PA 19053

United German-Hungarians is an American social club, founded in 1910, as the Banater Männerchor. Although the club has been home to various auxiliary groups, the primary activities of the club remain soccer and cultural dancing. The first team was started in 1922, playing exhibition games only. The current German Hungarian Cultural Group was founded in 1965.

The original name of the organization, the Banater Männerchor, comes from the Hungarian birthplace (Banat) of the founders and many later members. The meaning of the current nomenclature, The United German Hungarians, refers to the fact that Banat Swabians were Germans living in Hungary, and not a union of 'Germans' and 'Hungarians.' Although the hyphen is no longer used, its purpose was to show that these are one people, not a conglomeration of two groups.

The shield is the group's logo. The official shield represents the unity of German Hungarians through their traditional values. The "1910" Represents the founding year of the organization. The "keystone," represents the Keystone State of Pennsylvania. Collectively the "stars" represent members of the United German Hungarians and honor their individual and collective accomplishments. The stars also represent national honors, particularly: US National Soccer Championships in 1965, and 1999 and the Gauverband Nordamerika Preisplatteln Competition Gold Medals in 1999, and 2007.

The flag of the German Hungarians was obtained and blessed in 1994. It was purchased from a company in Germany and created according to the specifications of the club. Emily Fricker served as fahnenmutter for the flag.

The flag's contrasting sides represent the past and present. One side recognizes those who came from the original homelands of central and southeastern Europe. It depicts a fictional village and the common landscapes found in the farming regions of southern Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The natural resources, architectural renderings and geographic details evoke life in the old country. The region's common flowers – Kornblumen, Rosmarein, Edelweiss, MohnBlumen and Enzian – complete the circle topped by the flag's motto: "Treu, der Sitte, treu der Tracht, treu der Heimat" ("Faithful to the traditions, faithful to the costume, faithful to the homeland").

The second side of the flag represents members today. Their roots are depicted at the top by a trio of national symbols. Philadelphia is home to the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall, and is where William Penn's "Holy Experiment" began.

