Pheasants Forever, Inc. (PF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit conservation organization formed in 1982 as a response to the continuing decline of upland wildlife and habitat throughout the United States. Pheasants Forever, and its quail conservation division, Quail Forever, have a combined membership of approximately 150,000 throughout North America.
Pheasants Forever began in Saint Paul, Minnesota in 1982 as a response to the decline of pheasant numbers in the state; the result of substantial losses of habitat suitable for pheasants as farming practices intensified. Pheasants Forever was created to return those grassland acres back into wildlife habitat.
Dennis Anderson, outdoor editor for the Saint Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch wrote an article March 7, 1982, regarding the state of grassland habitat in Minnesota. After the article appeared, Anderson received over 100 written responses and 50 phone calls, voicing concerns for the state of upland habitat and the state's upland gamebird. It was from this article that the concept of Pheasants Forever was formed and, shortly after, Anderson and some friends established Pheasants Forever.
The first Pheasants Forever banquet was held April 15, 1983 at the former Prom Center on University Avenue in St. Paul. Over 800 people attended, including famed water fowler and outdoors writer Jimmy Robinson, who presented two $1,000 checks to the organization, one from him and one from the Robert Naegele Sr.
The keynote speaker at the inaugural Pheasants Forever banquet was Gov. Rudy Perpich, who later signed the state’s first pheasant stamp bill. To date, the state pheasant stamp has raised over $14.6 Million for pheasant habitat and development on private and public lands, and for public land acquisition. The stamp costs $7.50 and it is required of pheasant hunters age 18 and older.
Pheasants Forever uses a grassroots system of fundraising and project development that allows members to see the direct result of their contributions. This is accomplished through Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever local chapters determining how 100% of their locally raised funds will be spent. Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever have a combined 700 local chapters throughout the United States and Canada.