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Peter Seaton

Peter Seaton (December 16, 1942 – May 18, 2010) was an American poet associated with the first wave of Language poetry in the 1970s. During the opening and middle years of Language poetry many of his long prose poems were published, widely read and influential. Seaton was also a frequent contributor to L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, one of the influential magazines and theoretical venues for Language poetry, co-edited by Charles Bernstein. In 1978, Bernstein published Seaton's first book of poetry, Agreement, the same year that L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E magazine made its first appearance. Some of Seaton's work from this time has been reprinted in The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book (1984).

Seaton became an active participant in the thriving poetry scene in New York City during the 1960s. He shared this keen interest with Nick Piombino while both were attending City College of New York in the early-1960s, and they were to form a close friendship in the 1960s and 1970s. After graduation in 1964 both he and Piombino, who would himself become an important member of the Language poets, often attended "readings together at St. Mark's Poetry Project, reading The World magazine and other poetry magazines and discussing them avidly". They also did some writing collaborations and film experiments together in the late-1960s and early-1970s, heavily influenced by Stan Brakhage who would deeply influence the work of many of the poets involved in the Language movement. Piombino and Seaton's friendship continued up through to the establishment of This magazine in the early-1970s, and L=A-N=G=U=A=G=E magazine up to the early 80's.

Peter Seaton died in New York City on May 18, 2010 of an apparent heart attack.

