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Peter Glantz

Peter Glantz
Born New York City, New York
Occupation film/video/theater director, screenwriter
Years active 2001-present

Peter Glantz is an American director of theater and film, notably the films Lightning Bolt - Power Of Salad and the music video DVD Pick A Winner, both released through the record label Load Records. He recently co-wrote, wrote and directed a series for MTV's Liquid Television and directed the band OK Go's touring show. He has produced a number of documentaries for the Service Employees International Union and Change to Win, in particular Beyond The Spin, which documented the race for the 2004 Democratic Nomination and won a National Labor Council award for excellence in documentary filmmaking. His theater work includes directing the comedy group Killing My Lobster in San Francisco and the theater collective trutheatertheater that features artists and musicians from the Providence, RI and Fort Thunder communities. In October, 2010, Glantz collaborated with Randy Weiner to co-direct "The Most Interesting Show In The World", a variety show that toured 17 U.S. cities. In 2010, he began performing "Being Impossible", a show that he created and performs. In 2012, he premiered his multimedia performance "The World" at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington D.C.

The television commercial Play the Game, which featured art and animation from Ben Jones of Paper Rad, was censored by Viacom a few days after its CEO Sumner Redstone endorsed George W. Bush for President. This resulted in protests in front of Viacom headquarters. It was of particular concern because Viacom owns most of the youth-oriented television networks, like MTV, BET, VH1, and Comedy Central. The commercial still aired in local markets around the country.

Glantz’s theatrical mayhem began by studying playwrighting with Ruth Margraff, Paula Vogel, and Chuck Mee at Brown University. He co-wrote (with Rob Erickson, aka Lumberob) the annual Brownbrokers musical waternowater, and wrote and directed for the comedy group Out Of Bounds. In 2003 he directed the original comedy show Walks This Way for the San Francisco comedy group Killing My Lobster, winning an SF Bay Guardian award for its cast. In 2006, Peter co-directed and co-wrote with Becky Stark The Most Beautiful Show That Ever Lived, featuring Miranda July, Ron Rege, Jr., Jim Drain, and more.

