A people counter is a device that is used to measure the number of people traversing a certain passage or entrance.
Conversion Rate: People counting systems in the retail environment are used to calculate the conversion rate, which is the percentage of total visitors versus the number that make purchases.
Marketing Effectiveness: Shopping mall marketing professionals rely on visitor statistics to measure the effectiveness of the current marketing campaign. Often, shopping mall owners measure marketing effectiveness with the same conversion rate as retail stores.
Staff Planning: Accurate visitor counting is also useful for optimizing staff shifts. Staff requirements are often directly related to the density of visitor traffic, and services such as cleaning and maintenance are typically undertaken when traffic is at its lowest.
Monitoring of High-Traffic Areas: Shopping centers use people counters to measure the number of visitors in a given area. People counters also assist in measuring the areas where people tend to congregate, the areas where people tend to gather are often charged higher rent.
Funding Justification: Non-profit organizations often use visitor counts as evidence when applying for grants or other financial aid, when planning for seasonal staffing, or other strategic operational decisions. In cases where tickets are not sold, such as in museums and libraries, counting is either automated or staff keep a log of how many clients use different services.
Crowd Management: People counters are used to measure the traffic flows of events; traffic patterns are used to improve traffic flow, particularly when large crowds are entering and exiting the stadium.
Energy Usage Optimization: Commercial buildings utilize people counters to measure the use of different areas of the building at different times. This information is then used to optimize the energy usage in the building by reducing power to non-essential systems, such as air conditioning, in empty areas of the building.
Fire Management: In the case of fire, people counters can be used to approximate the number of people inside the building.
Footfall measures the number of people who enter a shop or business in a particular period of time.
Window Conversion Rate is the percentage of shoppers who enter a store over in relation to the number of people who walk by it. With WiFi counting, shops can estimate the number of people who walk past a store. A more accurate method is video counting. While revenue and footfall are important, the number of people who walk past a store often reflects the potential of the store location. The Window Conversion Rate often depends on the attractiveness of the shop window design, and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.