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Paul Trueman

Paul Trueman
Gary Beadle EE.jpg
EastEnders character
Portrayed by Gary Beadle
Duration 2001–2004
First appearance Episode 2100
23 April 2001
Last appearance Episode 2855
23 December 2004
Introduced by John Yorke
Classification Former; regular

Paul Trueman is a fictional character from the BBC soap opera EastEnders, played by Gary Beadle between 2001 and 2004. Gary was introduced as part of the already established Trueman family. He was portrayed as a bad boy. Beadle left the role in 2004. In his exit storyline, Paul became a drug dealer, and Beadle has been critical of the storyline, suggesting it played into black, racial stereotyping. It was implied that Paul was killed upon his exit, though his death was not screened.

Paul follows his mother Audrey Trueman (Corinne Skinner-Carter) and brother Anthony Trueman (Nicholas Bailey) to Walford after being estranged for them for some time. Audrey rejects him, but he decides to stay, blackmailing Anthony for money in exchange for keeping his drink-driving secret. Paul started playing in Steve Owen's (Martin Kemp) poker games, when an old acquaintance of his, Angel Hudson (Goldie), joins a game and instanty recognises Paul. It transpires that Paul owes Angel money, and Angel threatens Paul's life unless he pays up. Paul tries to get the money by stealing property from his mother, pawning the goods and gambling the money he receives. This fails and he ends up with less money than he began with. When Angel comes to collect his money, Paul fails to pay, so Angel gives him a severe beating and trashes Audrey's bed and breakfast. After more threats from Angel, Paul blackmails Anthony into giving him the money. Anthony has no choice but to oblige; he takes out a loan and Paul pays Angel.

Audrey is struck by falling debris while walking past some building works. Several days later, after an argument with Paul during which he revealed Anthony was the one who was driving at the time of the accident, Audrey collapses and dies, caused by a delayed reaction to the blow she received earlier. Just before she dies, Audrey tells Paul that she knew about Anthony being the driver and tells Paul to tell Anthony that she loves him. Paul replies "What about me?". Just as Audrey is about to say something to him, she dies. However, everything is left to Paul in Audrey's will. Paul's supposed father Patrick Trueman (Rudolph Walker) arrives in Walford for her funeral. Paul initially reacts to Patrick with apprehension but they eventually bond. Both are devastated when Anthony discovers via DNA tests that Patrick is not Paul's biological father. Paul later discovers he is the biological child of Milton Hibbert (Jeffery Kissoon), Patrick's friend with whom Audrey had been having an affair. Despite this, Patrick and Paul maintain a close relationship.

