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Paul Raushenbush

Paul Raushenbush (pronunciation: /ˈpɔːl ˈrʃənbʊʃ/) is a writer, editor, and religious activist. He currently serves as Senior Vice-President for Public Engagement at Auburn Seminary. From 2009-2015 he was the Executive Editor Of Global Spirituality and Religion for Huffington Post's Religion section, and formerly served as editor of BeliefNet. From 2003-2011, Raushenbush served as Associate Dean of Religious Life and the Chapel at Princeton University, and served as President of the Association Of College and University Religious Affairs (ACURA) from 2009-2011. Raushenbush is the co-founder with Wolfgang F. Danspeckgruber of PORDIR, The Program of Religion, Diplomacy, and International Relations at the Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination at Princeton University.

An ordained Baptist minister in the American Baptist tradition, Raushenbush is the great-grandson of 19th-century Baptist cleric and Social Gospel proponent Walter Rauschenbusch (name spelled differently), and the great-grandson of the Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis and is related to the philosopher Richard Rorty.

He is a graduate of Macalester College and Union Theological Seminary in New York. He is married to the author Brad Gooch, and they have one child Walter Gooch-Raushenbush.

