Patrol 03 is a French animated television series that aired in 1997 and was broadcast on Pop, a British TV channel owned and operated by CSC Media Group (formerly Chart Show Channels), a company associated with the makers of The Chart Show, a television programme that had previously been on Channel 4 and ITV,
The show centers around a trio of animal police officers called Shorty, Wilfred and Carmen; who solve crimes in the city of Los Diablos as "Patrol 03" - most of the police force considers them a joke and looks them down due to the minor assignments they get and their broken-down patrol car. The main villains of the show are the power-hungry Police Chief Pamela Bondani, who wants to become the town's mayor, and her mole assistant Professor Molo. The two are always trying to take over the city using various schemes while Bondani assigns Patrol 03 with various meaningless tasks to keep them out of the way.